You join me on the second day of 2013 in a ski chalet in the lovely town of Bansko, Bulgaria. It is a beautiful sunny day, with perfect ski conditions up on the mountain, small queues for the lift and my friends are all skiing. Why am I sat here you may ask, well I have a knee roughly the size of a melon as one of my last acts of 2012 was to fall while skiing twisting my knee and ripping of stretching my ligaments in the process. I have subsequently decided to try and write a blog this year about my life in general as I always seem to be able to get myself into these sort of situations.
First a little about me, I am in my 20s and have just started my career as a Physics teacher I the south of England (I can hear the yawns already) however I don't class myself as a typical physics teacher... I like to make my work fun and live for the weekend and the holidays. I am into sports, but prefer adrenaline sports focusing mostly on white water kayaking and of course a bit of skiing. I am also a keen photographer so will do my best to make these blog posts look pretty as well as being nice to read.
So, onto my New Years Resolutions, I have on particularly bad habit that I do not like, and this is the year it is going to stop. I bite my nails, but I will do so no more in 2013, and know the whole world knows and can shame me into keeping it up. I have tried many times in the past to stop biting my nails and have tried all sorts of methods; Will power didn't work so well, I'm not the strongest willed individual; the horrible tasting solution worked better but also made everything I touched taste horrible, including food; finally last year I shamefully bought some fake nails and much to the amusement of my housemate stuck them onto what was left of my finger nails. This worked wonderfully well until the students I was teaching started noticing them... Then they had to go! This time I am going to paint the nails clear, photograph them everyday and hopefully succeed and end up with a time-lapse video of my nails growing, slightly geeky and maybe a little weird, but I hope it works.
My second resolution is to visit the gym more, particularly to build some strength into my knees, and lose a little bit of belly flab. I don't believe in diets but to loose the flab I'm going to have to cut down on the cake intake - something which will be difficult working in a department which has a weekly cake rota (which increased to a daily rotate running up to christmas, nicknamed the 12 days of Cakemas).
So this is me, you have read my plan and I hope you stay with me throughout the year. I will write again later on in the week, with some more information about Bansko, where to stay, what the skis like and some tips of the town.
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